Guided Biofilm Therapy: New Treatment for Receding Gums

21 June 2024

The term receding gums refers to when the gums pull back from the teeth, exposing the root. The first sign of gum recession is usually tooth sensitivity, but you may also notice the tooth looks longer than normal or you might feel a notch where the gum meets the tooth. Gum recession can be mild, moderate or severe and may affect one tooth or multiple teeth.

Gum recession is not something you want to ignore. Guided Biofilm Therapy is a groundbreaking new approach for treating patients with receding gums and helping them to find and maintain a healthy status once again.

Let’s take a closer look at how Guided Biofilm Therapy might be the right treatment for your mouth if you have gum recession.

What Is Gum Recession?

Gum recession is a common dental problem, so much so it is thought that around 90% of all people over the age of 65 have some degree of gum recession.

Your gums may recede for a few reasons, but you’re thought to be more likely to develop recession if you:

• Have periodontal (gum) disease.

• Have ever had braces or other orthodontic treatment, including clear aligner treatment.

• Have diabetes

• Wear ill-fitting dentures

• Grind or clench your teeth especially at night

• Smoke or use chewing tobacco

• Have a lip or tongue piercing

• Brush your teeth aggressively

• Have plaque biofilm or tartar buildup especially nearly the gum line

• Have trauma or injury to your gum tissue or habitually ‘pick’ at the gums

• Abnormal or crooked tooth positioning (misalignment)

• Genetic predisposition or ‘thin’ gum tissue

No matter the cause of your gum recession, timely diagnosis and treatment is important. If the cause of receding gums is not identified, and it is allowed to continue, gum recession can lead to more serious oral health problems.

If the cause of the recession is gum disease, the gum may start to come away from the tooth, creating 'pockets' where even more plaque can build up. Over time, these pockets deepen, gums continue to recede, and teeth can become loose.

Guided Biofilm Therapy for Receding Gums

Gum recession can’t be reversed. Once the gum tissue has pulled back and away from the teeth, it can’t re-grow on its own. However, treatments can keep the problem from getting worse. For mild recession, professionally cleaning the affected area can alleviate the problem and stop it from progressing. Deep cleaning or tooth scaling and root planning may be required to remove the plaque and tartar build-up in more severe cases.

However, it’s not always that straight forward. Patients with receding gums often complain of sensitivity, especially during dental cleaning because the root of the tooth is more sensitive to temperature. The tooth tissue that makes up the exposed root is also not as strong as tooth enamel and is damaged more easily if harsh scaling techniques or abrasive polish is used to clean it.

Guided Biofilm Therapy is a warm, gentle, effective treatment for patients with receding gums and can achieve dental cleaning without the associated discomfort. It focuses on addressing one of the most common causes of gum recession: plaque biofilm, tartar build-up and gum disease.

Guided Biofilm Therapy uses a coloured dye to make plaque biofilm more visible. This helps to identify areas where the patient needs to clean more thoroughly. It is common for the receded gum line to be missed during daily oral hygiene routines either because it’s lower than where the brush normally reaches or because the patient is fearful of causing further damage. It is imperative that patients are shown how to clean receded gums effectively without causing further damage. Leaving plaque biofilm on the receded margin will only contribute to further problems. Disclosing the biofilm also helps the dental professional to see which areas to target to ensure all deposits are removed thoroughly during the cleaning process.

Diet analysis is then carried out and lifestyle changes that could reduce the risk of further damage are identified and addressed. Changing habits such as smoking & grinding and reducing the intake of acidic food and beverages can all help to reduce further damage.

This is followed by though dental cleaning using gentle airflow technology and soft Erythritol powder which works against the dental plaque biofilm helping to break it down, while the warm water flushes away the debris to effectively decontaminate the area above and below the receded gum.

An ultrasonic device with built-in no pain technology is then used to remove hard calcified tartar deposits in a way that is so gentle patients often report it didn’t feel like the teeth were being touched.

After the cleaning is complete, a fluoride foam is applied to the teeth to help protect the exposed root, reduce sensitivity and prevent decay.

Due to its pain free nature, GBT is a popular choice among patients with recession because treatment is possible without the use of local anaesthetic, even in areas which have previously proven unmanageable with standard cleaning methods. It reduces the risk of further gum trauma resulting from the use of traditional scaling instruments and preserves the vulnerable exposed root tissue. Patient comfort is at the forefront of GBT treatment. Its minimally invasive approach will not alter the surface of the tooth tissue, and the warm water will ensure a pleasant, pain free experience.

Likewise, GBT is a popular choice among dental professional wishing to prioritise patient health and pushing for the next generation of cleaning methods in prevention-led care.

SwitchtoGBT is pioneering the adoption of GBT for patients with receding gums. The platform facilitates access to certified GBT professionals and offers education to patients on the benefits of this modern, effective treatment. If you would like to consult with a GBT certified dental professional use SwitchtoGBT to explore options in your area.

Guided Biofilm Therapy has the potential to transform the mouths of patients with receding gums caused by gum disease and poor oral hygiene. Preventing gum recession is key to preserving quality of life and good tissue support for the teeth. If you think you have gum recession speak to your dentist about how to manage the condition and how guided biofilm therapy might be of benefit to you.